Welcome! If you would like to know what I am up to, check out the “Dear Diary,” section of the site… It’ll be updated daily once we have 1000 subscribers. If you decide to delve deeper after, take a look at our book. It hints at our vision. That vision has led to the development of “trust technology” leveraging ancient wisdom from the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. Kabbalah, a Jewish tradition, leverages this wisdom in their studies; the sefirot!
The Jewish religion, relevant as ever in 2024, a testament to the power of our God. I, a descendant of Jews who accepted ‘He is risen’, confess belief in the immortality I believe to be possible for man because Jesus.
Jesus, latest of the profits [sic], would bring “not peace, but the sword” to ensure that every “knee would bow”; culminating in the rise of the United States as the sole superpower after World War II and ushering in the Space Age.
We do what we can… Celebrate! Have you heard the good news? Man has been delivered! He has outlived his death sentence on planet earth. He has proved himself capable and worthy of a chance. Men may now find a way into the cosmos. It is permitted… It is also mandatory!
This generation, one of the first in quite some time that can contemplate outer space in any serious way… At scale! That really is something. People now have access to other worlds should they choose to leave theirs long enough to make the trip. These sorts of trips take hundreds of years sometimes! Most humans can barely sit through a meal! Ha!
What if I were sent here to help this planet? A reproduction of a gift to humanity. Another chance before nuclear war. Would I be able to live up to that standard? It is a high standard. A worthy standard. I’ll give it a shot!
I gave it a shot and I am glad I did!