

$10 069.00
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Product Details

TrustEyeD(TM) is trust-technology.

If you've ever felt unsure about your identity; you're not alone.

In a world where there are flat earth vs sphere debates, how do I know the person delivering my packages, serving my coffee, or making my sandwiches, isn't a neo-nazi; or that my uber driver isn't in the Ku Klux Klan?!

We have developed key metrics for measuring trustworthiness; all boiling down to "Wish other no harm."

Every TrustEyeD applicant is asked specific questions through a process developed over a decade of research.

This website itself is a proof-of-concept for the product with Sun-Ray Too's TrustEyeD application process taking his web presence, social media history, website, products for sale, published articles, post history, etc. into consideration.

He would be the ideal trustworthy candidate because of the nature of his contribution to society being verifiyable, on different social media platforms, Amazon products for sale, products for sale elsewhere, verifyable post history going back ten years on TikTok, Flickr, Facebook, IG, or website. His 'nine helpers' didn't appear to do others harm during their lifetime; he was the first receipent of the TrustEyeD.

Each TrustEyeD reciepient will recieve digital and physical copies of his or her trustEyeD.

A profile at of your choice is continually updated once accepted.

Accepted members can leave anytime, and recieve full refund.

The price of TrustEyeD is equal to a US passport ($165). Initial cost is part of identification verification process and will be refunded after 270 days(9 months) for accepted applicants(minus $165), and immdiate 100% refund for rejected applicants.

!!!Ideal candidates have products for Sale, website, history of online activity!!!

!!If you have publicly wished others harm in the last ten years, please dont apply before building verifiyable trackrecord of opposite.

!!!Rejected applicants may reapply after 10-year wait period; will recievie full refund with reason for rejection within 90 days. We value our applicants' privacy.

Support this and other future projects of the Astro-Dark Philosoper Initiative by purchasing items from our store. Thanks!

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