In his book Zero to One, author Peter Thiel argues that companies that survive, must escape competition to establish monopoly; Then, there’s time to think, resources to invest, projects that the founders really care about can begin… Thiel’s message would serve every high school student across America well; We can alter it a bit to gain insight into the transition from teenagerdom to adulthood.
In spite of the gravity of the message, and the book being a decade old, most millennials didn’t get it…
The Average Millennial has an intuitive grasp of the power of technology, the internet, is able to create social media content at-will, share perspectives about deeply personal topics, etc… but, for the most part, unable to produce anything new.
The over-90%-literacy-rate that most millennials grew up taking for granted, means that if you’ve seen one Tikok video made by one “educated” millennial, you’ve seen them all. The unique ability to point out flaws in everything from Boeing’s quality control systems, to drunk tweets by billionaires will likely never be paralleled again on this planet.
In spite of this generational gift, millennials don’t produce much that others can’t live without; Icing on the cake:
They happen to have more options for destroying the planet at their disposal, than any generation prior!
For some mysterious reason, they haven’t collectively made up their mind that this planet needs to be destroyed. They can be found in basements, and coffee shops across the country, charging iPhones, to watch or record, the next semi-viral moment. The plan appears to be: Wait for something big to happen.
Sun Ra‘s generation saw thermonuclear annihilation, as a result of the cold war between America and Russia, as their “coming soon” Armageddon. Forty years, and out of the blue, a ray of light: “The Berlin Wall has fallen!”
In the midst of 45 years (1947 – 1991) of cold warfare:
- On July 2, 1962 – The first Walmart opens up
- In March of 1972, ARPA becomes DARPA
- Apple Inc. is incorporated on April 1, 1976
- Microsoft Corporation on November 26, 1976
What’s interesting about the list above? The first two organizations were founded by former servicemen; Walmart by retired Captain Sam Walton and DARPA, by President Eisenhower. What about the next two items on the list?… Paul Allen, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Steve Wozniak all discontinued their college education BEFORE founding the companies that we know.
Fifty years later… Apple Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Walmart are among the top twenty most-valuable companies in the world by market cap… DARPA continues to research and develop technology that often doesn’t have immediate military applications.
Bodies created on the brink of Armageddon, by men and women who had been forced to face death, and rejected it, help shape the destiny of a planet which must do the same once more.
So called millennials are the main character this time around, for now. Main advantage: Unsuspecting witnesses to the dawning of a new age, accustomed to seeing Impossible Realities spun up right before their eyes. Will they forget? Take it for granted? Think it was all just one big coincidence, maybe? Do they even know that they MUST make up their mind? That SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE paid a price for Better?
Most do not. Look at their music; it’s dead, about death. or a dead end! The illusion: Do anything, get away with it, make millions. Just as the sun will rise, everything done here, will affect other beings! Beings that were said to have the capacity to destroy this planet in the blink of an eye…1/16th of a second in 1987. Likely 1/trillionth by now.
If man can make up his mind, there’s time; time to celebrate Law; its contribution to getting us to the Space Age. Time to account for the outsized contribution a heroic few, and to give credit where it’s due.
To be able:
- Bachelor’s degree
- Post-grad, pass CPA exam, high marks.
- Think like a computer for top score on LSAT
- 2000 hours of CPA/Law firm experience.
- Specialize. Technology leverages insight
- Find friends, start company, go public
- Create monopoly
- Profits for reaching out to the cosmos
In Zero to One, startups are seen as the building block of all significant change. Individuals: powerless to shape the world, unless able to successfully convince others to share in their vision, and the work. A decade later, author Peter Thiel’s ideas have been proven right; Old giants and new kids on the block, battle it out for whose influence will most shape the world over the next fifty years. The problem with being proven right, is that the world before and after the proof are not the same.
If a new idea goes viral, by definition it’ll fail to provide the same level of insight it once did. What may have been a counterintuitive perspective, becomes part of a fabric that obfuscates.
At Re B. Ra Inc., the Astro-Dark Philosopher Initiative, we see future shaper-of-reality as being interdependent individuals; Individuals with talents and abilities honed in the most hostile economic environments. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off, major insight, new industries hang in the balance; Our hero must escape competition and reach for monopoly, while avoiding starvation, immanent death.
What tools would be most useful in getting some motion? Enable survival long enough to flush out vision, convince others to do heavy lifting? Law and accounting.
Investors haven’t bought in, friends’ label: delusional, but Hero knows law, is master of “The Books”. She watches transactions in industries she will disrupt, knowing; sees The Better Tomorrow clearer than the status quo. Providing value to yesterday’s monopolies, witnessing their accounting best practices.
Slowly but surely, the language needed to persuade, start to roll off of the tongue naturally. The numbers, suddenly make sense…
When you get done, look through the rest of our website. It’ll become clear why we love the law and accounting so much; Space. Our love serves a purpose. Interplanetary, interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional. Want: space, Profit: good, Monopoly: good.
Insights, facilitate humanity’s reach for an impossible destiny: Other Worlds. Destiny begins, with a Journey to the Bar!
If you are a millennial, you probably have some preexisting opinions and beliefs about lawyers; You know the reputation that lawyers have for being slick talkers, seen lawyers defend convicted murderers? So it can be tempting to dismiss the profession in its entirety. The fact is: In every agreement or transaction between two people, there needs to be a neutral party that understands the Law. Not knowing, isn’t enough excuse for breaking it?!
What if we’re asked to account for every penny spent over the past year by the IRS? We are happy to comply! Seven years of records? Yes! “Our accountant does such a good job of showing us where every penny is going and why! We pay our employees, give them health insurance and related benefits, buy new equipment, generate revenue, fund research and development; A lot of activity to keep track of! Our accountants let us know when caution is needed, point out where we have room for wiggle.
You get the point: Law and accounting provide the foundation on which trust and cooperation may rest. Our friends, family, employees, would all be of greater value, it they had an intuitive grasp of these domains. In addition to being able to label, criticize, characterize, analyze, they would now be equipped to give sound advice; Add insightful perspective to The Vision.
“UFOs just touched down in San Digeo. We weren’t sure what permits need to submitted to the commerce department in order to land, who would handle something like this?” The army, navy? No, no worries! Millennials, equipped to deal, are willing and able to facilitate intergovernmental, interplanetary negotiations.